Ride the WCBC Icicle Metric Century

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Ride the WCBC Icicle Metric Century

March 26, 2014 Events No Digest 1



The snow and ice will be gone, temperatures are on a warming trend, spring is bursting out on all fronts, and it’s time for the White Clay Bicycle Club’s annual Icicle Metric Century ride.

White Clay Bicycle Club is, and always has been, Bike Delaware’s biggest sponsor. So you can enjoy the first major Delaware ride of the year this Saturday and, simultaneously, help support cycling advocacy in Delaware.

Riders have a choice of three distances, 35, 50, or 100 kilometers (22, 31, or 62 miles).  New this year is a second rest stop.  For complete information, go to the WCBC Icicle Ride webpage.

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One Response

  1. Lies says:

    Radishes are one of my favorite gderan treats. I have fond childhood memories of my grandpa pulling fresh radishes out of the ground, dipping them in a bucket of water, and chomping away right in the gderan. My favorite snack is to take radishes and cut them into thin slices. I pile them high on a piece of multigrain bread spread with coconut oil. So refreshing and always makes me think of my grandpa. Yum!

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