U.S. Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals Honored for Leadership in Boulder

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

U.S. Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals Honored for Leadership in Boulder

September 10, 2013 Cool People 0

Boulder, CO – Professionals who have made the U.S. a better place for walking and cycling were honored by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) at its 2013 conference in Boulder, Colorado today.

darren_apbpAPBP’s 2013 Professional of the Year Award (Non-profit Sector) was presented to Darren Flusche, the Policy Director at the League of American Bicyclists. APBP recognized Darren Flusche for helping APBP members and other bicycle and pedestrian professionals and advocates to navigate federal transportation legislation.

In Delaware, Darren was an essential part of an innovative effort to access a 20-year old federal program that had never before been used to fund cycling. Between 1991 and 2011, not a penny from this federal program had even been used for a cycling project in Delaware. With critical technical assistance from Darren, however, the Wilmington Area Planning Council voted $480,000 to complete the final phase of the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway. And subsequently, DelDOT has used millions of dollars more of additional “CMAQ” funding for cycling in Delaware.

APBP’s Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Anne Lusk, PhD, Research Scientist at Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Lusk’s work to make bicycling safer and more attractive spans 32 years. She is recognized for drawing attention to design changes that cause women, seniors, and children to feel more comfortable on bikes. Her many accomplishments include: created Stowe Recreation Path (Vermont 1981); helped found and chaired Vermont Trails and Greenways Council; helped found Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition; Vice Chair of American Trails; received a prestigious NIH 4-year grant to study bicycle facilities; taught classes on bicycle facilities at Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard University Extension School; and published articles including “Bicycle Guidelines and Crash Rates on Cycle Tracks in the United States” in the 2013 American Journal of Public Health. APBP salutes Anne Lusk as researcher, worldwide lecturer and career mentor.

APBP’s Professional of the Year – Public Sector Award was presented to Joshuah D. Mello, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning – Transportation, City of Atlanta; and Emily Snyder, AICP, Senior City Planner, City and County of Denver. APBP recognized Joshuah Mello for his fast-paced, persuasive approach to creating a more bicycle-friendly, walkable Atlanta. APBP recognized Emily Snyder for her collaborative efforts to develop innovative bicycle infrastructure and effect policy change to support it. In a mobile session, attendees saw first hand how Denver is transforming into a walkable and bicycle friendly city.

APBP’s 2013 Professional of the Year Award – Private Sector was presented to Michael King, RA, Principal, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. APBP recognized Michael King for his work on two landmark projects; both likely to change how street infrastructure in U.S. cities is planned, designed, and modified. Michael served as project manager for the Chicago’s Complete Streets Guidelines and the NACTO Urban Streets Design Manual

APBP’s 2013 Young Professional of the Year Award was presented to Kyle Wagenschutz, Bikeway/Pedestrian Coordinator, City of Memphis, Tenn. As Memphis’ first bicycle pedestrian coordinator, Kyle Wagenschutz oversaw the city’s first bike lanes, expanded bike to work day efforts and ushered in high profile projects including plans for 15 miles of protected bike lanes.

apbp.orgThe Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals provides expertise for sustainable transportation and is the only professional membership organization for the discipline of pedestrian and bicycle transportation. APBP members are employees of all levels of government, consulting firms and non-profits who work in the engineering, planning, landscape architecture, police, safety, health and promotion fields and specialize in improving conditions for bicycling and walking. For more information about the organization, visit www.apbp.org.


• 1st Ever CMAQ-Funded Bike Project in Delaware History

 WILMAPCO approves $6.4 million for statewide bike and pedestrian improvements

• LAB: How Delaware made statewide bike funding history with CMAQ

• American Bicyclist: Five Ideas From Delaware

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