Do you ride on sidewalks?

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Do you ride on sidewalks?

July 15, 2013 Education Everyone Gets Home 2



The League of American Bicyclists recently released a series of videos about bicycling, including everything from “HOW TO CHOOSE A BIKE” to “TRAFFIC LAWS”. The one that caught our eye, though, was “Riding on the Sidewalk”:

Riding on sidewalks is, as Commute By Bikes notes, a “hotly debated topic.”

Here’s the video from the League of American Bicyclists:

We asked the question of our readers:

How often do you ride on sidewalks? A) Never ever. B) Sometimes. C)  A lot.

Here were their answers:

“Never ever.” – A.R.

“Rarely if ever.” – L.W.

“Never.” – R.P.

“Rarely and only if conditions are such that I have to.” – K.P.

 “Unless there is a dedicated wide bike lane I will use the sidewalk. I know it’s wrong but I just don’t feel safe on the road.” – D.D.

“Only when safety concerns dictate it.” – C.N.

“Only if I have to and there no other safer alternative.” – C. J.-P.

“Me and my road bike are on the roads.” – C.D.G

“Cleveland Avenue in Newark is a good example.” – M.D.

“I use them when I need to… if I am working downtown…I use them to avoid getting killed by the buses….when I am on 52 I use them in Greeneville to avoid the PA drivers trying to get to the red light on Buck road.” – R.J.S.

“Often, on specific portions of my commute. I almost never encounter pedestrians on these stretches.” – T.P.

“I’m like a B- or C+, if I’m honest…” – E.L.

“Never.” – R.G.


League of American Bicyclists’ Smart Cycling (16 videos)

Top 5 Rules for Riding on the Sidewalk (Commute By Bike)

Delaware law regarding bicycling on sidewalks (4198B)

2 Responses

  1. NO! I was taught at a young age to ridea bike in the street WITH traffic, not against.

  2. Actually not bad. I thought for a moment I was going to have to resign my membership in protest of them saying something on this topic that I would have a fundamental problem with.

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