The most important vote of 2013

This week (week of June 17) the most important vote for cycling in Delaware in 2013 will happen. By contacting your state senator and representative today, you can help influence this vote.
Delaware was recently named the #5 Bicycle Friendly State in America by the League of American Bicyclists. We (obviously!) want to keep this new ranking. But we are not content with #5. Like Governor Markell, we also want to be first.
But we can’t make Delaware the most bicycle-friendly state in America by repeating the mistakes of the past. But that’s what will happen … unless we demand, politely but firmly, that our elected representatives support cycling and walking investments (and not just more huge roads – and sprawl – out into the countryside).
It’s easy to be cynical and think that change is impossible. There’s a lot of inertia, unfortunately, behind more road building. (If we sit on the sidelines, that inertia will win out. And instead of building bikeways, Delaware will just get more Kirkwood Highways, Concord Pikes and US40s.) Maybe we will lose this vote. But…maybe we won’t. Maybe you can inspire your senator or representative with a heartfelt appeal about how important walking/cycling is to you. For your health. For your kids. For your neighborhood. For your community.
Please contact your state senator and representative now and tell them you support authorization for the Bike and Pedestrian Improvements program at DelDOT. Ask them, politely but firmly, to tell their colleagues on the Bond Committee that they need to support cycling and walking in Delaware by voting to authorize funding for the Bike and Pedestrian Improvements program at DelDOT. It’s easy! Here’s how:
1) If you don’t already know, find out who your state representative and senator are, and get their contact information: Senators | Representatives
2) Send them an email. Tell them you support more walkable and bikeable communities. Here is a sample letter (word.doc) you can use, including vital safety statistics. Adapt as you wish. But whatever you do, just let your elected representative know that this is important to you. Make our democracy work for cycling.
Questions? Email Bike Delawate at
James Wilson is the executive director of Bike Delaware.