Delaware is #10 right now. What will we be on Wednesday?

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Delaware is #10 right now. What will we be on Wednesday?

April 27, 2013 Bicycle Friendly Places 1



At 9AM on Wednesday at the Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit, we will announce Delaware’s new Bicycle Friendly State ranking at the same time that rankings for every state in the country are being announced in Washington DC.

Two years ago, Delaware was ranked as the 18th most bicycle friendly state in American. Last year, however, we jumped 8 places (more than any other state in the country) to be ranked #10.

Will be keep our #10 ranking? Will we go up? Or will we go down?

You can register to attend the summit at


Summit Program

• Bicycle Friendly State Program (League of American Bicyclists)

• Delaware Jumps Into Top 10 Nationally In Ranking of Bicycle-Friendly States (2012)

One Response

  1. Scritchy says:

    AAA as a sponsor?? For real? Collectively, they are the largest anti-environmental and anti-active-transportation lobbying organization in the nation. AAA has a long history of advocating against progressive transportation policy and for sprawl-inducing freeway construction, road and parking lot expansion, and subsidies for the auto and oil industries. They are one of the principal foes in the fight against catastrophic global climate change, a bastion of oil-economy cronyism in a world that desperately needs more forward-looking solutions.

    Their recruiting tactics reprehensible. The average AAA member does not know about the lobbying arm of the organization, which has built itself into a lobbying powerhouse, commanding some “53 MILLION” members. Members join for the towing, and are unknowingly used for the political ends of the organization and the industries who support it. It is ashame Bike Delaware didn’t approach Better World Club, a far more bike-friendly alternative to AAA, when seeking sponsors.

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