Governor Jack Markell to Speak at Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Governor Jack Markell to Speak at Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit

March 21, 2013 All Ages and Abilities Cycling Cool People Events 0



Active Transportation, Healthy Families
May 1 | Dover, Delaware


GovJackMarkellBio-1Governor Jack Markell will speak to the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on May 1 in Dover.

Governor Markell spoke at the National Bike Summit in Washington DC in 2010. At the time, he was the only Governor to ever address the National Bike Summit. Since then, there have been three more National Bike Summits but, even so, Governor Markell is still the only sitting U.S. governor to ever address a National Bike Summit.

Governors typically use their State of the State speeches to talk about taxes, spending and education. In both his 2012 and 2013 State of the State speeches, however, Governor Markell also talked about walking and bicycling. In 2012, he said:

One of the best ways we can improve our quality of life, and promote healthy lifestyles at the same time, is to make our state more walkable and bikeable…Building on the strong foundation of existing trails and greenways already in place, we can make Delaware one of the most walkable and bikeable states in America.”

Governor Markell would be the first to acknowledge the many other people in Delaware who have worked hard to make Delaware more walkable and bikeable. But his leadership is one of the things that make Delaware singular. Because of that leadership and a number of other fortuitous factors, there is probably more pro-walking and pro-cycling momentum in Delaware right now than in any other state in the country. Last year, Delaware leapt 8 places in the League of American Bicyclists ranking of “bicycle friendly” states (more than any other state in the country). Delaware was also the only state that the League chose to profile in its recent “Bicycle Friendly America” publication.

But: “past performance is no guarantee of future results.” We need your help in Dover to sustain this incredible momentum.



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