Month: February 2013

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Trail Spinners: 3rd Annual Newark Bike Swap

The 3rd Annual Newark Bike Swap is just around the corner! Join us Saturday February 23rd for our area’s one and only bicycle swap meet. Clean out your garage or basement, rent a vendor table at the swap and hock all that extra bike stuff that is sitting around gathering dust! Cost is $20 for…
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February 5, 2013 0

16th Annual Maryland Bicycle Symposium

A draft agenda for the 16th Annual Maryland Bicycle Symposium is available HERE>>> Seating is limited.  If you would like to attend, please RSVP to

February 5, 2013 1

Politics: Stuff cyclists should know

What do we normally think about when we think about “politics”? Well, we might think about political campaigns, like the recent presidential campaign between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney with its, literally, billions of dollars of television advertising, 24-hours a day cable news coverage, daily polling and millions of phone calls to individual voters. Or…
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February 4, 2013 0

A Short History of Traffic Engineering

Credit: Copenhagenize

February 1, 2013 0