Children who walk or bike to school perform better

Several studies have shown that kids who travel to school via active transportation perform better on tests, solving puzzles and missed fewer days due to sickness. Go figure.
I’m not sure about you; but I’m really enjoying the positive press from our local newspaper.
Follow this through to the News Journal article for the full story.
3 Responses
How about just walking to the bus stop. It’s amazing the number of cars lined up in my neighborhood each morning.
or bicycle locking facilities at the bus stop
Nice article. Now the big question is; “How can we get more children to walk and bike?” That, I think will have to be more than building infrastructure. Somehow we must reach, The heart and soul of the public (to borrow a phrase from our military). That is a tall task. I wonder how many teachers commute less than 5 miles in a car each day???