Best of Bike Delaware 2012: “1 DAY TO GO: Millions For Walking And Bicycling In Delaware Are On The Line”

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Best of Bike Delaware 2012: “1 DAY TO GO: Millions For Walking And Bicycling In Delaware Are On The Line”

December 21, 2012 Most Popular 1

2012 Look Back: This article was originally published on May 30, 2012.  It was updated between May 30 and June 19 as events progressed.  It was the 2nd most viewed Bike Delaware article of 2012.

Tuesday, June 19

Over 10 million dollars for cycling.  More than $10 for each man, woman and child in Delaware.  The vote on this absolutely critical funding is this Wednesday:

WHAT: Delaware General Assembly committee vote on DelDOT capital budget, including proposal to invest over $10 million in walking and bicycling.

WHEN: 1PM, Wednesday (June 20)

WHERE: Joint Finance Hearing Room, Ground Floor, Legislative Hall, Dover

Conservative business dress (suit and tie for men; dresses, suits or nice slacks/shirts for women) is appropriate for Legislative Hall.

Email us at if you need transportation to Dover on Wednesday. We’re happy to help.

If you can’t take time off from work to personally show our elected officials how important this is to you, have you contacted your state Senator and Representative yet?

In his State of the State speech on January 19, Governor Jack Markell proposed making unprecedented investments in walking and bicycling in order to “make Delaware one of the most walkable and bikeable states in America.” Last month, Bike Delaware hosted Walkable, Bikeable Delaware in Dover, our state capitol, which focused on the Governor’s proposal to invest millions of dollars in  bicycle and pedestrian projects in his 2013 budget.  (Here are some of the amazing projects that would be funded if the Governor’s request is approved on June 20!)

Why?  Its simple, yet powerful: numerous studies have shown that direct and strategic funding for walking and bicycling can save money on transportation costs,  improve our health, boost economic development, reduce congestion, lower emissions, provide recreational opportunities, increase tourism, and improve our quality of life.

But this will only happen if the Delaware General Assembly approves the Governor’s request. The Governor noted that democracy requires participation. If the Governor’s proposal to invest in walking and biking funding is important to you, let your your state legislators know. There’s still time for your representatives to let their colleagues on the Joint Committee on Capital Improvement (aka the “Bond Committee”) know how important the Governor’s funding request is – and that it MUST be supported.

Your elected representatives want – and need – to hear from you. Contact your state Senator and Representative and tell them you support the Governor’s proposal.  Ask them to tell their colleagues on the Bond Committee to support the Governor’s funding request for walking and bicycling.  It’s easy! Here’s how:

1)  If you don’t already know, find out which Representative and Senatorial district you are in.

2)  Look up your state representative and senator contact information:  Senators Representatives

3)  Send them an email or paper letter.  Tell them you support Governor Markell’s proposed funding for walkable, bikeable communities in Delaware.  Include a personal note about how biking and walking have positively impacted your life.  Here is a sample letter (word.doc) you can use, including vital safety statistics. Embellish as you wish.  But whatever you do, just let your elected representative know that this is important to you.  The vote on the Governor’s proposal will be next Wednesday, just 1 day away.

Questions?  Email us at


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One Response

  1. […] rest is here: #2 of 2012: “1 DAY TO GO: Millions For Walking … – Bike Delaware This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged bicycling, cycling, delaware, june, million, […]

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