1 Week To Go!

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

1 Week To Go!

October 3, 2012 All Ages and Abilities Cycling No Digest 0

What do candidates running this year for the Delaware General Assembly think about bicycling, and about making bicycling better?

They have 1 week left to tell us!

Here’s one of the coolest things about this survey:  just one call or email from just a single constituent can be enough to get a candidate to respond. If a candidate tells you he/she hasn’t seen the survey, you can give him/her this link:


They can email their answers to survey@bikede.org.

Quite a few candidates are unopposed this year, and so we may have to work a little harder than normal to get their attention.  But even those folks will respond to their own constituents!

Questions?  Don’t know the candidates running to represent you?  Email survey@bikede.org.

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