Cycling for Everyone

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Cycling for Everyone

September 6, 2012 Bicycle Friendly Places No Digest 1

Cycling in the Netherlands was on its way out.  But in the 1970s cycling’s long decline first slowed, and then reversed.

Today, in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities, more people get to work by bicycle than by any other mode.

Does this have anything to do with the U.S., or Delaware?  Maybe not.  But it’s still pretty cool.  Check out this 7 minute video on how the Dutch saved cycling:


• How the Dutch Handle the Right Turn Only Lane Problem

• “Build it and they will come” proven by the Dutch

• Crash Liability – the Dutch View

• What defines Dutch cycling (VIDEO)?

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  1. […] is the original post: Cycling for Everyone | Bike Delaware This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged bicycling, community, delaware, hopeful, […]

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