Imagine: New Castle to Wilmington’s Riverfront Faster By Bicycle Than Car

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Imagine: New Castle to Wilmington’s Riverfront Faster By Bicycle Than Car

June 9, 2012 All Ages and Abilities Cycling Low Traffic Stress Bikeway Networks Transportation Trails 2

By Karl Hassler –


Can you imagine what it would be like if the Wilmington Riverfront‘s potential to be the premier cultural, recreational and residential hub in the Mid-Atlantic region was realized? Can you imagine what it would be like if the Riverwalk-Market Street area’s vibrant mix of businesses, residences and thriving art scene was connected by a safe, easily navigable six mile trail to New Castle? And you’re part of it: you can bike from your condo along the Wilmington Riverwalk to dine in historic Olde New Castle at a colonial restaurant and tavern quicker than if you took a car. After dinner, you take a leisurely roll along the river front trail in Battery Park before heading home.

Because of the trail, New Castle’s historic district is also flourishing: it a draw for local residents and “green” tourists. But before the  Wilmington – New Castle Industrial Track Greenway was completed, it was different. The trail’s completion brought a new and profound energy, resulting in re-vitalization of the two areas.

If you can imagine this, and think extending this vision of revitalizing the businesses, residential areas, and cultural and recreational opportunities to other Delaware communities is a goal we should pursue, then your voice is needed NOW. The Wilmington–New Castle Industrial Track Greenway is just one of the projects proposed by Governor Markell’s First State Trails and Pathways Initiative.  And the critical committee vote to approve or disapprove of the Governor’s request will be in mid-June, less than two weeks away.  There’s just a short window of time for your representatives to let their colleagues on the Joint Committee on Capital Improvement (aka the “Bond Committee”) know how important the Governor’s funding request is – and that it MUST be supported.

Your elected representatives want – and need – to hear from you. Contact your state Senator and Representative and tell them you support the Governor’s proposal.  Ask them to tell their colleagues on the Bond Committee to support the Governor’s funding request for walking and bicycling.  It’s easy! Here’s how:

1)  If you don’t already know, find out which Representative and Senatorial district you are in.

2)  Look up your state representative and senator contact information:  Senators Representatives

3)  Send them an email or paper letter. Tell them you support Governor Markell’s proposed funding for walkable, bikeable communities in Delaware.  Include a personal note about how biking and walking have positively impacted your life.  Here is a sample letter (word.doc) you can use, including vital safety statistics. Embellish as you wish. But whatever you do, just let your elected representative know that this is important to you. The vote on the Governor’s proposal will be taken the week of June 18th.

Bike to see the Blue Rocks play at the Wilmington Riverfront


Questions?  Email us at


• Imagine: Bicycling Between Wilmington and Newark

Millions for Walking and Bicycling in Delaware.  If We Want It.

Previous articles on the Wilmington – New Castle Greenway

Why are we hiding the Industrial Track Rail Trail?

1st Ever CMAQ-Funded Bike Project in Delaware History

Bicyclists mob TAC meeting, win key support for rail trail

Eight civic and business groups call for completion of Industrial Track



2 Responses

  1. Shane says:

    I am seriously excited for this trail to become a reality. Is there a map anywhere that shows exactly what route the completed trail is expected to take?

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