Sussex Cyclists’ Tony Pezone Hands Over Cue Sheets After 10 Years Of Service

After 10+ years of selfless service as the President of Sussex Cyclists, Tony Pezone handed over the reigns to incoming club President John Kurpjuweit Tuesday evening.
Tony’s farewell message:
“As the past president I want thank all of you for the support over the years. It has been a rewarding experience to see the club grow in many ways. It could only happen with the support and participation of the members. For those of you who have not been as active in the club as you might have been try to attend more rides, participate in the advocacy and safety programs and attend the meetings and social functions to help John take the club to new levels.
“I want to thank Eric Howard our legal representative for assisting us in becoming incorporated initially and more recently for assisting us in becoming a 501c3 organization all at no legal cost to the club…Also thanks to Matt Juknelis for the creation and hosting of our web site again saving us many dollars. These are two people who we never see but make a substantial contribution to the club.
“A special thanks to the club members who attended last night’s meeting and presented me with a signed copy of Kevin Fleming’s book Wild Delmarva along with cake and soda and to Mike for the riding gloves and classic reflector. I have already enjoyed looking through the book and now have to go back and read the text.”
For years, Tony was an advocate for improved bicycle accommodations on Route 1. More recently, he has been the cyclist representative on an advisory committee for the Indian River Inlet Bridge.
Tony is one of those cool people who make Delaware work.
• Route 1 Updates (2006)
• Sussex Cyclists – DelDOT Trade Punches in Cape Gazette (2008)
• Beach Bike Safety Pit Stops Are Back (2008)
• Lewes to Georgetown Route (2011)