Physical Activity May Help Kids’ Grades, Too

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Physical Activity May Help Kids’ Grades, Too

January 6, 2012 Education Health Land Use 2

By KIM CAROLLO | Good Morning America

Published Jan 2, 2012

While physical activity is known to improve children’s physical fitness and lower their risk of obesity, new research suggests it may also help them perform better in school.

Dutch researchers reviewed 14 previous studies from different parts of the world that looked at the relationship between physical activity and academic performance. Their review is published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

The data from the studies “suggests there is a significant positive relationship between physical activity and academic performance,” wrote the authors, led by Amika Singh of the Vrije Universiteit University Medical Center’s EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research in Amsterdam.

While they didn’t examine the reasons why the relationship may exist, the authors, citing previous research, said regular physical activity seems to be linked to better brain function. The effect on the brain could be the results of a number of factors, including increased flow of blood and oxygen to the brain as well as higher levels of chemicals that help improve mood.

This latest report comes at a time when schools across the country debate cutting physical education from their curriculum or have already eliminated it because of budget constraints, the desire to stress academics or a combination of both. There is also concern that physical activity in schools can be detrimental to academic performance.

But in addition to the latest research review, a 2010 literature review done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that out of 50 studies, more than half showed a positive association between school-based physical activity — such as physical education, recess and extracurricular sports — and academic performance and about half found no effect. Only a few showed a negative relationship that could be attributable to chance.

Some of the research reported that concentration, memory, self-esteem and verbal skills were among the improvements noted in students who participated in school-based physical activity. “School boards, school administrators and principals can feel confident that maintaining or increasing time dedicated for physical activity during the school day will not have a negative impact on academic performance, and it may positively impact students’ academic performance,” the CDC’s authors wrote.

Read entire article HERE>>>


Bike Delaware note: Concerns about school-based physical activity “crowding out” or otherwise interfering with academic activity do not apply when kids get exercise just by traveling to and from school using their own legs.  This used to be how nearly all kids got to school until we decided to it was no longer safe for kids to walk or bicycle to school and we needed to pay billions of dollars every year for school buses (or parents needed to be chauffeurs for their kids).

In Delaware, Governor Markell’s First State Trails and Pathways Plan is how we will start retrofitting out built environment in Delaware so that it is safe and practical for our kids to walk or bicycle to school again.


• “Our kids are trapped in our neighborhood in terms of bike riding.”

• Will Our Kids Have Shorter Lives Than Ours?

2 Responses

  1. Eduardo Deutscher says:

    Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), as well as on original imagination, such as polemical works as well as autobiography, and reflective essays as well as belles-lettres. Literature can be classified according to historical periods, genres, and political influences. The concept of genre, which earlier was limited, has broadened over the centuries. ,.`;

    Warm regards

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