Wilmington to Newark "Off-Alignment" Multi-Use Path

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Wilmington to Newark "Off-Alignment" Multi-Use Path

September 13, 2011 All Ages and Abilities Cycling 4

In May the General Assembly passed a Resolution – with a little help from Bike Delaware, Nemours and others – directing DelDOT to build “multi-use paths for pedestrian and bicycle user travel within and between cities and towns in Delaware on independent right-of-way outside of the right-of-way of existing roadways.” Combined with the recent vote of the General Assembly last month allocating $5,000,000 for state bike routes, Bike Delaware has helped to create an opportunity that would have been unthinkable just 1 year ago:

We have the opportunity – now – to advocate that some of the state bike route money that we worked so very hard to secure be used to begin planning for an “off-alignment” Wilmington-to-Newark multi-use path. Connecting Delaware’s largest city and 3rd largest (and only “bike friendly”) city along independent right-of-way (i.e. not next to roads), and passing through areas that comprise a significant percentage of the state’s population, it is difficult to overstate the impact that a Wilmington-to-Newark “off-alignment” Bikeway would have for Delaware.

Want to learn more, and throw your support behind this project? Come out and join both the Newark Bicycle Committee and the Wilmington Bicycle Advisory Committee as they participate in their very first joint meeting. The two will spend ample time going over the details, including maps of the different alignment options. In short, they are planning to lay the beginning foundation of what amounts to a socioeconomic windfall.

Date and Time: Wednesday, September 28, at 4pm.
Location: WILMAPCO office, 850 Library Avenue, Suite 100 in Newark (map).

Questions? Email: wbd@bikede.org for more information.


4 Responses

  1. Angela C. Cunneely says:

    Yes, this is very well worth an hour of my time! Count me in, wearing my bicycle pin, of course!

  2. Andy B from Jersey says:

    Wow! This could get the East Coast Greenway route built through Delaware in one fell swoop!

    Congratulations Bike Delaware!

  3. TrevorBooz says:

    Any chance of a rail with trail along the CSX line, its now single track most of the way but all the old bridges and right of way use to be for double track trains

  4. James says:

    Trevor: great question to ask on September 28 if you can leave work a little early to attend. There will be a lot of smart folks there who will appreciate this kind of input.

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