Bike Delaware a finalist for Advocacy Advance matching grant

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Bike Delaware a finalist for Advocacy Advance matching grant

June 22, 2011 Bike Delaware 0
By Gail Robillard, Treasurer, Bike Delaware
Advocacy Advance (AA), a partnership of the the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking & Walking, supports local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy efforts.  By tracking the performance of bike advocacy groups throughout the county, AA identifies winning strategies and best practices and shares the resulting knowledge with local and state groups.  In it’s Capacity Building grant application process, AA looks to identify those local and state advocacy groups who, with a little support, could make a quantum leap in their advocacy initiatives.
Out of a large pool of applicants from throughout the United States, the partnership selects just two or three grantees each year.  This year, Bike Delaware along with 7 other groups, was picked to compete in a final grant round.  Our selection was based on an initial application which described Bike Delaware’s current advocacy campaigns to
• secure increased capital investments in walking and bicycling, and
• identify and implement a statewide bicycle facility retrofit for right-turn only lanes
Since submitting our initial application to AA, Bike Delaware has already
• helped secure the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution # 13, which directs DelDOT to increase funding for bikeway networks
• obtained agreement from DelDOT to pursue a new traffic control device and submitted three “right-turn auxiliary lane marking” designs for human factors testing and evaluation.
As supporters of bicycling in Delaware, we ask for your help in raising the necessary matching funds should Bike Delaware be awarded an Advocacy Advance partnership grant.
Gail Robillard, Treasurer
722-4591, ext. 4
“Bikeway networks that everyone can use to get where they want to go on a bike.” Visit us at

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