2010 National Bike Summit a huge hit for Delaware!

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

2010 National Bike Summit a huge hit for Delaware!

March 12, 2010 Events 0

On March 9-11, 7 delegates from multiple organizations represented Delaware at the 2010 National Bike Summit. The above photo, taken at Rep. Castle’s office, L-R:

Drew Knox, President, Bike Delaware
Frank Warnock, PR Chair, Bike Delaware
Kevin Mills (Rails to Trails Conservancy)
Jenna VanSant, (Legislative Correspondent, Rep. Castle)
Jim Ireland, President, Delaware Trail Spinners
Amy Wilburn, Chair, Delaware Bicycle Council
James Wilson, Bike Delaware Member
Mark Chura, Executive Director, Delaware Greenways
Mark Loch, Treasurer, Delaware Trail Spinners

Highlights included:

* BCGP, Bike Delaware’s parent organization, awarded advocacy organization of the year by the Alliance for Biking and Walking.
* A town hall meeting, including a speech by our own Governor Jack Markell.
* The introduction of a fully featured bicycle mapping tool by Google Maps.
* Highly useful, educational breakout sessions.
* Surprise visits by several Republicans, including Mass Sen. Scott Brown, pledging bipartisan support.
* Active Community Transportation Act prep meeting at the Rails to Trails Conservancy.
* Awards presented to Reps. Oberstar, Blumenauer, etc.

Delegates met with Sen. Carper, Kaufman, and Rep. Castle to encourage support for multi-modal transportation and enhancement bills, including ACT, Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School, Livable Communities, and the Land and Water Reauthorization and Funding Act.

This was an outstanding event and we are very encouraged by the results of meeting with our legislators. Read the ACT summeryHERE.

The complete photo collection, in slide show format, can be viewed HERE.


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