From Greenville in the north to Dagsboro in the South, Bike Delaware sent a candidate survey to every single candidate running in a contested race for the Delaware Senate or Delaware House of Representatives on November 6.
Who represents each of us in Dover is important. Our representatives are the people who – among other things – approve (or don’t) the funding to build major trails like the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway and the Lewes-Georgetown Trail; who set the laws that influence the future development of our communities (will development make our communities more, or less, walkable and bikeable?); who make the policies that govern the operations of influential state agencies like the Delaware Department of Transportation; and who decide what Delaware’s Rules of the Road should be.
The survey we sent to all those candidates was very short: just three questions. Each question simply asked for the candidates’ views on the three major pieces of walking/cycling legislation that have been passed by the Delaware General Assembly in the last 8 years:
- I voted for, or agree with, Walkable Bikeable Delaware (2011), which called for strategic investments by the Delaware Department of Transportation in infrastructure for walking and cycling.
- I voted for, or agree with, the Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act (2016), which established a mechanism in Delaware state law for State and local governments to coordinate transportation investments and land use regulation in order to encourage the development of walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly communities.
- I voted for, or agree with, the Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act (2017), which made changes to Delaware’s Rules of the Road relating to bicycles (and farm equipment and animal-drawn vehicles).
If you are not sure which Senate and/or House District you live in, you can look that up very quickly by simply typing in your home address in the “Who is My Legislator?” box right here.
Greenville – Hockessin- Pike Creek (Senate District 4)
Ms. Laura Sturgeon
Candidate for State Senator (4th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
State Senator Greg Lavelle (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (4th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Milton – Lewes – Rehoboth – Dewey (Senate District 6)
State Senator Ernesto Lopez (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (6th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Cosponsor
See also:
“Lopez Backs Project to Re-Use Abandoned Railroad Bridge for New Trail in Milton”
Mr. David Baker
Candidate for State Senator (6th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I strongly support efforts to encourage walking and bicycle transportation which provides health benefits, reduces the use of vehicles and traffic, and is better for our environment. As a biker and hiker, I understand and enjoy these activities. Bike trails will also provide a great tourism benefit for Sussex County and thus help our economy in a good way. The popularity of our new trails between Lewes and Rehoboth as well as Trap Pond and within our Towns reflects the support for these efforts also.”
South Newark – Glasgow – Middletown (Senate District 10)
State Senator Stephanie Hansen (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (10th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “Bicycling is an important component of multi-modal transportation and has many environmental and health benefits. I have enjoyed working with Bike Delaware and supporting bicycle-friendly legislation during my short tenure in the General Assembly and look forward to working together in the future.”
Legislative Record:
Delaware Senate Passes Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act
Christine Metzing
Candidate for State Senator (10th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
East Newark (Senate District 11)
State Senator Bryan Townsend (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (11th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Cosponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Cosponsor
Daniel Kapitanic
Candidate for State Senator (11th District)
Party: Republican • Facebook Page
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Little Creek – Dover AFB – Frederica (Senate District 16)
State Senator Colin Bonini (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (16th District)
Party: Republican • Facebook Page
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree
Legislative Record:
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Prime Sponsor
See also:
“With leadership from McDowell and Bonini, Bikes+Transit bill advances on 17 to 3 vote by Delaware Senate”
Ms. Louisa Phillips
Candidate for State Senator (16th District)
Party: Democratic • Facebook Page
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Dover (Senate District 17)

State Representative Trey Paradee
Candidate for State Senator (17th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Justin King
Candidate for State Senator (17th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Milford – Harrington – Greenwood (Senate District 18)
Jim Purcell
Candidate for State Senator (18th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “We need to get more employers on board and further expand rails and trails programs.”
State Representative Dave Wilson
Candidate for State Senator (18th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Prime Sponsor
Seaford – Laurel – Delmar (Senate District 21)
State Senator Bryant Richardson (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (21st District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Robert Wheatley
Candidate for State Senator (21st District)
Party: Democratic
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
North Wilmington (House District 6)
State Representative Debra Heffernan (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (6th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “1)I was a Cosponsor and voted for SCR 13 in 146th GA. 2)I was a Cosponsor and voted for SS2 for SB 130 in the 148th. 3) I voted for HB 185 in 149th GA. Strongly support Delaware being walkable and bikeable.”
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Cosponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Cosponsor
Mr. Jeff Olmstead
Candidate for State Representative (6th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Arden – Claymont (House District 7)
Mr. Eric Braunstein (Republican), Mr. Scott Gesty (Libertarian) and Mr. Raymond Siegfried (Democrat)
Candidates for State Representative (7th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Middletown (House District 8)
Mr. Daniel Zitofsky
Candidate for State Representative (8th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I am a strong advocate [of] biking for alternative transportation for many reasons. Traffic, environment and health all being part of my findings.”
State Representative Quinn Johnson (Incumbent, Democrat) and Cody McNutt (Libertarian)
Candidates for State Senator (8th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Port Penn – Odessa – Townsend (House District 9)
State Representative Kevin Hensley (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (9th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Ms. Monique Johns
Candidate for State Representative (9th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Brandywine (House District 10)
Ms. Erin Wienner
Candidate for State Representative (10th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
State Representative Sean Matthews (Incumbent)
Party: Democratic
Candidates for State Senator (8th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Townsend – Clayton – Kenton (House District 11)
Representative Jeff Spiegelman (Incumbent, Republican) and Mr. Paul Thornburg (Democratic)
Candidates for State Representative (11th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Hockessin – Greenville – Talleyville (House District 12)
State Representative Deborah Hudson (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (12th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Prime Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Cosponsor
Ms. Krista Griffith
Candidate for State Representative (12th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Rehoboth Beach – Bethany Beach (House District 14)
Representative Pete Schwartzkopf (Incumbent, Democratic) and James DeMartino (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (14th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Bear – Delaware City (House District 15)
State Representative Valerie Longhurst (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (15th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I am a strong advocate and participant of cycling in Delaware. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your survey.”
Legislative Record:
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Cosponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Cosponsor
See also:
Longhurst and Colleagues Fought for Trail Network Funding
Longhurst Cycling Delegation Heads to Washington DC
Yep: Cycling is Now the Official State Sport of Delaware
Ms. Amy Merlino
Candidate for State Representative (15th District)
Party: Libertarian
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
South Wilmington – New Castle (House District 16)
Mr. John Ament
Candidate for State Representative (16th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “Our future is dependent upon our smart use of our space.”
Mr. Franklin Cooke
Candidate for State Representative (16th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I ride with the White Clay Bike Club in the biking season. Great people and road and bike paths also needs to be clean and clear of debris.”
Newport – Stanton – Marshallton (House District 19)
Representative Kim Williams (Incumbent, Democratic) and James Starzman (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (19th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Milton (House District 20)
Mr.John Bucchioni (Democrat), State Representative Steve Smyk (Incumbent, Republican) and Mr. Harry Smouse (Libertarian)
Candidates for State Representative (20th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
East Newark (House District 21)

State Representative Mike Ramone (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (21st District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Cosponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Cosponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Cosponsor
Ms. Stephanie Barry
Candidate for State Representative (21st District)
Party: Democratic
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Pike Creek – North Star (House District 22)
Ms. Guillermina Gonzalez
Candidate for State Representative (22nd District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Mr. Mike Smith
Candidate for State Representative (22nd District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
East Newark (House District 24)
State Representative Ed Osienski (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (24th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I co-sponsored SCR 13, Sponsored SB 130 and voted for HB 185.”
Mr. Bill Dilks
Candidate for State Representative (24th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Newark (House District 25)
State Representative John Kowalko (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (25th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “We must enable the public to transport themselves for work or pleasure via alternative modes of environmentally friendly methods.”
Mr. Bryan Rash
Candidate for State Representative (25th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
South Newark (House District 26)
Representative John Viola (Incumbent, Democratic) and Justin Cruice (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (26th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Glasgow (House District 27)
State Representative Earl Jaques (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (27th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Cosponsor
Mr. Bill Hinds
Candidate for State Representative (27th District)
Party: Libertarian • Facebook Page
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree
Survey Comment: “Bicycles are an important mode of transportation and are in need of safe pathways, funding for these projects should be voluntary relying citizen contributions rather than tax dollars. HOA’s in Delaware should be encouraged through educational seminars by volunteers and bicycle enthusiasts to participate in developing an interconnected network of bicycle pathways providing access to regional transportation hubs.”
Smyrna (House District 28)
Representative Bill Carson (Incumbent, Democratic) and Charlotte Middleton (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (28th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
West Dover (House District 29)
William Bush (Democratic) and Robin Hayes (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (29th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
West Kent County (House District 30)
Charles Groce (Democratic) and Shannon Morris (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (30th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Dover (House District 31)
Representative Sean Lynn (Incumbent, Democratic) and David Anderson (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (31st District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply / Declined
South Dover (House District 32)
Representative Andria Bennett (Incumbent, Democratic) and Cheryl Precourt (Republican)
Candidates for State Representative (32nd District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Little Heaven – Frederica – Milford (House District 33)
Representative Charles Postles (Incumbent, Republican) and James Webb (Democratic)
Candidates for State Representative (33rd District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Camden-Wyoming (House District 34)
Representative Lyndon Yearick (Incumbent, Republican), Adewunmi Kuforji (Democratic) and William McVay (Libertarian)
Candidates for State Representative (34th District)
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Milford (House District 36)
Mr. Don Allan
Candidate for State Representative (36th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Mr. Bryan Shupe
Candidate for State Representative (36th District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Other: Panelist at 2015 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit
Fenwick Island (House District 38)
State Representative Ron Gray (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (38th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Ms. Meghan Kelly
Candidate for State Representative (38th District)
Party: Democratic
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply
Dagsboro – Millsboro (House District 41)
Mr. Bradley Connor
Candidate for State Representative (41st District)
Party: Democratic
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Survey Comment: “Much has to be done to correct the inadequacy of our roads to accommodate the influx of new residents in Sussex.”
State Representative Rich Collins
Candidate for State Representative (41st District)
Party: Republican
2018 Candidate Survey Answers: No reply