Candidate: Paul Baumbach
Running For: State Representative, District 23
1. I supported or agreed with "Walkable Bikeable Delaware" (Senate Concurrent Resolution #13), passed unanimously by the 146th Delaware General Assembly in May of 2011.
Response: Strongly Agree
2. I believe that increased use of 'active' modes of transportation (i.e. walking and bicycling) improves public health.
Response: Strongly Agree
3. I believe that investing in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure saves people money by allowing them to spend a smaller percentage of their household budgets on transportation; and makes Delaware's economy less vulnerable to disruption from oil price shocks.
Response: Agree
4. I supported or agreed with the state authorization for "Bike and Pedestrian Improvements" in the FY2013 Bond Bill.
Response: Agree
5. As long as Transportation Trust Fund revenue is either stable or growing, I would support a state authorization for "Bike and Pedestrian Improvements" in the FY2014 Bond Bill at the same or greater level as in the FY2013 Bond Bill.
Response: Agree
Comments: As a candidate, I am not as familiar with these issues as I will be if elected. While it would be easy for me to respond with a [strongly agree] to each question, I prefer to obtain more information before I commit to strongly championing these priorities especially when there are competing demands for a finite resource (state revenues).
I am a fitness cyclist, and have biked to work before the campaign began. I do indeed believe that walking and cycling help to make our society healthier, and saves health care costs over the long run.