Governor Markell Opens Phase I of Lewes-Georgetown Trail

It’s late October but it will nevertheless be 80° (!) today at 2PM in Lewes for the official opening of the first phase of the Lewes-Georgetown Trail. This is the first 1.1-mile section – from Gills Neck Road to Savannah Road in Lewes – of what will eventually be a 10 foot wide paved trail that extends a total of 17 miles all the way to Georgetown.
- WHEN: Wednesday, October 19 at 2 p.m.
- WHERE: The event will be held on the grounds of the Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Avenue, Lewes, Delaware
- WHO: Governor Jack Markell, DelDOT Secretary Jennifer Cohan, DNREC Secretary David Small, Delaware Speaker of the House Peter Schwartzkopf, State Senator Ernie Lopez, and Lewes Mayor Ted Becker
While celebrating the opening of this first trail section, the greater significance of today’s milestone is perhaps the way it now sets up Phase II of the trail. Phase II will connect the increasingly populous communities west of Route 1 in Sussex County to Lewes and (via the Junction & Breakwater Trail) to Rehoboth. Crucially, Phase II of the Lewes-Georgetown Trail will also provide a much-needed and fervently desired safe, grade-separated crossing of the extremely busy and dangerous Route 1, going under the Nassau Bridge.
The Lewes-Georgetown Trail is an ambitious project which would not be possible without the support of the Delaware General Assembly, Sussex County Council and Governor Jack Markell:
- In May of 2011, the Delaware General Assembly passed Walkable Bikeable Delaware, which directed DelDOT to “create multi-use paths for pedestrian and bicycle user travel within and between cities and towns in Delaware on independent right-of-way outside of the right-of-way of existing roadways.”
- In September of 2011, Sussex County Council identified the Lewes-Georgetown Trail as a County transportation priority.
- In October of 2011, Governor Markell included the project in his huge and ambitious First State Trails and Pathways Initiative.
Ray Quillen, who grew up in Lewes, has long waited for progress on the Lewes-Georgetown Trail. In fact, he has been so impatient for the trail to get started – and especially for the Phase II of the trail that will go under the Nassau Bridge – that he personally roughed out an unpaved section of trail underneath the Nassau Bridge. The Cape Gazette called Quillen a cyclist on a “mission” for the trail.
“I hope that the second phase can be started soon,” said Quillen.

Route of future Lewes-Georgetown Trail where it will pass under the busy and dangerous Route 1. (This is the next segment of the trail; it is not being opened today.) The trail will be built alongside the existing rail line, which will remain in place.
• Lewes-Georgetown Trail Launches!
• Go where there is no path (crossing Route 1) and leave a trail (under the Nassau Bridge!)
• Lewes cyclist on mission for new trail (Cape Gazette)
• DelDOT Public Workshop on Phase I of Georgetown to Lewes Trail
• Why the Georgetown to Lewes Trail Attracted Us to Invest in Delaware
• Sussex County Council Includes Lewes-to-Georgetown In Its List of Transportation Priorities
• Public Prefers Rail-With-Trail for Lewes-Georgetown Route at DelDOT Workshop
• Lewes to Georgetown Route is Overdue
DelDOT First State Trails and Pathways Plan Georgetown to Lewes Trail Markell
16 Responses
Thats my picture from couple years ago on opening ceremony of the portion of new trail….
Fitness After 50: believe & achieve
Will we see you today for ribbon cutting?
I would like to be there, but have to work…..
Excited for this trail. I enjoy it very much.
Enjoy how much nature is out there to clear your mind.
Almost stepped in poop.
Wish folks would curb their pets or maybe trash bins for pet waist would be suitable in designated areas.
Great news! Sure hope I’m still riding when this great idea trail is completed. (63 now)
Bob Johnson phase 1 complete.
Great news! Looking forward to its completion! Thanks to our bike loving Gov and everyone involved.
Great. But l bet we are elderly or dead when it finally is completed.
We started advocating to finish the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway in 2010. It’s finally breaking ground in 2 weeks (see below). Some people look at that and go “Ugh, 6 years!” Other people look at that and go “I’m amazed it didn’t take way longer.” Either way, though, it’s definitely true that advocacy for these big projects takes incredible persistence.
No funding in place for Georgetown to Lewes trail…
This great wish I could be there. I thought phase 2 would only go as far as Old Orchard Road. Anyway when will construction start on that? Maybe the Governor will announce it is starting?
Bill Trefzger, keep an eye on this space as we focus on this question over the next few months.
How can someone get involved with Bike Delaware? Are there fundraisers? Public meetings?
Paula Gatos, would you contact us directly?
i will certainly be visiting one day soon
looks very nice