“Every Skill. Every Age. Everyone.” The 2015 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit

The 2015 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit will be held this year on May 7 in Dover.
To add your name to the waiting list, please email wbd [at] bikede.org with your name, city and zip code.
The 2015 summit will be hosted by the American Heart Association, the Delaware Department of Transportation, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the Delaware Division of Public Health, Delaware Greenways, the Dover/Kent Metropolitan Planning Organization, Sussex Outdoors and Bike Delaware.
At the summit, we will celebrate our progress at making a more walkable and bikeable Delaware. We will acknowledge our biggest and most difficult challenges. We will recognize those who are working every day to make a more walkable and bikeable Delaware. And – perhaps most importantly – we will help set Delaware’s walking and cycling agenda for the coming year.
The theme of the summit this year is
“Every Skill. Every Age. Everyone.”
That theme reflects our ambition to make cycling and walking so safe, so convenient and so much fun that everyone in Delaware will make them part of their everyday lives. The summit’s agenda will include
- The First State Trails and Pathways Plan
- Protected Bike Lanes
- “Level of Traffic Stress” Bicycle Network Planning
- “Walkable/Bikeable Communities Mean Business“
- Engineering, Traffic Control and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Pedestrian Road Safety
Please join us in Delaware’s capital city on Thursday, May 7 for the 2015 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit. The summit is (amazingly, and only thanks to its incredibly generous sponsors) completely free!
To add your name to the waiting list, please email wbd [at] bikede.org with your name, city and zip code.
DelDOT First State Trails and Pathways Plan MUTCD Protected Bike Lanes State Summit
12 Responses
Specific location in Dover and time would be useful information to share.
I second that
Can someone contact me about having a display table at the summit or having information to share in the handout bags? We want to share information about the Delaware Volksport Association – First State Webfooters!
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