Delaware General Assembly committee votes $13 million for walking and bicycling

UPDATED: Thursday (6/21), 7:51 PM — The Joint Committee on Capital Improvement of the Delaware General Assembly unanimously approved a bill including $13.25 million in dedicated state funding for walking and bicycling. Vote on bill by full General Assembly will be June 30.
UPDATED: Thursday (6/21), 4:30 PM — The Bond Bill Committee took a break without voting on the DelDOT and DNREC budgets. They will reconvene at 7 pm to approve the budgets. As far as we know, the governor’s $13M for walking and bicycling is intact and will be approved in the vote this evening.
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It was elbow to elbow and clear out the door at yesterday’s (Wednesday’s ) Delaware General Assembly committee hearing as advocates representing multiple walking and bicycling (and even equine) organizations traveled to Dover to show their support for Governor Jack Markell’s request to fully fund walking and bicycling projects. We filled all the seats in the committee room and then lined the hallways outside.
The police were called, and those standing in the room were escorted out of the hearing room. We left an indelible impression on the committee.
We wholeheartedly thank all of you who attended (and those in spirit who desperately wanted to attend but could not).
As for Governor Markell’s funding request for walking and cycling, nothing happened …. in public. This means our chances have increased to at least “cautiously optimistic.” The $13M for walking and bicycling is still intact and – if nothing else intervenes in the next few hours – will be voted on today (6/21). Being so new to this, I thought each line item on the bond bill was going to be voted on. Nope. It doesn’t work that way. So don’t celebrate yet, but things are looking up. Check back here later today.
• Millions For Walking And Bicycling In Delaware Are On The Line
• WEDNESDAY: A Meeting for People Who Hate Meetings
• Cape Gazette: “Keep the trail money intact”
• 2011 Bike Friendly Elected Official
• Robert Venables and Jack Markell
3 Responses
Way to GO! Congratulation guys.
[…] Money allocation approved! The General Assembly will vote today to make Delaware a more bikeable and walkable State. This […]
Great work everyone, glad that you were able to make a show of numbers to let them know our feelings!
Good work!