Pushing the Envelope on Pavement Markings: Intersection Crossings

Bike Lanes in Intersections
Most bicycle crashes happen at intersections. Bicyclists are required by law (and/or common sense) to bicycle at the right side of roads while high speed motorized traffic whizzes by on their left. Irrespective of whether there is a striped bike lane, a shoulder or nothing at all, bicyclists are exposed to “right hooks” (when a car traveling the same direction as a bicycle user overtakes the bicycle on the left and then abruptly turns in front of the bicycle user causing a collision) and “left crosses” (when a car traveling in the opposite direction of a bicycle user suddenly and unexpectedly turns left into or in front of the cyclist causing a collision) at intersections. Crashes caused by these vehicular turning movements at intersections are one of the most common causes of bicyclist fatalities.
To ameliorate this problem and reduce the number of rights hooks and left crosses, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) recommends the use of bicycle pavement markings through an intersection, driveway or ramp. This marking
• Reduces conflicts between bicyclists and turning motorists.
• Raises awareness for both bicyclists and motorists to potential conflict areas.
• Reduces bicyclist stress by delineating the bicycling zone.
Intersection crossing markings were discussed extensively at Bike Delaware’s recent discussion of 2012 priorities. In Delaware, 90% of roads and streets are are controlled by DelDOT and DelDOT’s version of the MUTCD. Unfortunately, however, at the present time the Delaware MUTCD does not include any intersection crossing markings for bicyclists. In order to bring this pavement parking to Delaware, it will need to be added to the Delaware MUTCD.
If you have any questions about intersection crossing markings; or about whether bringing this marking to Delaware should be a Bike Delaware priority; or you would like to help bring this pavement marking to Delaware, please let us know:
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better than me