Wilmington <=> Newark Bicycle Highway Concept Workshop TOMORROW
Here at Bike Delaware’s new World Headquarters, we are excited about tomorrow’s workshop on a “bicycle highway” (or “trail” or “greenway” or “pathway” or “off-alignment multi-use path” or whatever you want to call it) connecting Wilmington and Newark.
A lot of people, including the Governor, the General Assembly and Bike Delaware have worked very hard to make this opportunity possible. So let’s seize it. Especially if you live in the area between Wilmington and Newark and/or think you might have some good ideas to contribute, please attend. Staff from DelDOT, State Parks, New Castle County, WILMAPCO and the cities of Wilmington and Newark will also attend.
Joint Meeting of the Wilmington Bicycle Advisory Committee and Newark Bicycle Committee
When: September 28 at 4PM
Where: WILMAPCO (850 Library Avenue, Newark)
Agenda: “Off-alignment” multi-use path connecting Wilmington and Newark
Questions? Email wbd@bikede.org